1990 DEMO
Thanks to Rafael Dongon for uploading this!
Tarrasque interview from Magmazine by Shawn Lopes
This is a place to share and document the many great bands that were and are a part of the Hawaii underground music scene from 1980 to now. Hawaii's scene over the years has been vastly overlooked, mainly because of lack of exposure and access, so hopefully this blog will help more people find out about all the amazing bands we have in the 50th state. If anybody from any of the bands has any issue with having their music up here, please contact me and I would be glad to take it down.
The color photo was actually the 1st backdoor show i know of. With either M,U,G and or Broken Man. Our 2nd show as a band,also right before the massive stage was put in where many a punk,long hair, skin head, thrasher,regular joe ,was tempted to take a dive. Thankyou Mari Matsuoka who put on that show and showed me what it took to keep it going while she REFUSED AND RESISTED FOR YEARS TO COME ,, AND THEN WORK FOR GOLDEN VOICE PRODUCTIONS TO BRING THE ISLANDS SOME BETTER MUSIC THEN THE OTHER GUYS WERENT BRINGING FOR ALL US STUCK ON THE ROCK, broke asses who couldnt afford to go mainland and see all the killer bands we never heard of Thanx again Mari and Corby.